Implementation > Message exchange services for integrations > Integration message queuing services: WebSphere > Managing JMS attributes > Handling JMS attributes in Integrator

Handling JMS attributes

JMS message structure

Attributes list

Setting attribute values of sent messages

Extracting attribute values from received messages

JMS message structure

A JMS message has the following structure:

Header (mandatory)

  • attribute 1 / value 1
  • attribute 2 / value 2
  • ...
  • attribute n / value n


  • attribute 1 / value 1
  • attribute 2 / value 2
  • ...
  • attribute n / value n


  • Transported file

As illustrated in the figure, the Header and Properties parts of the JMS Message contain attribute/value pairs that describe various characteristics of the transfer. You can set values for the attributes of outgoing messages, and retrieve the attribute values of incoming messages that transit in Integrator.

Attributes list

For a list of the JMS attributes for which you can set or retrieve values, refer to the Integrator file located at:

<Integrator install directory>/config/attribute/att_jms.s4h

Setting attribute values of sent messages

To set JMS attribute values on outgoing JMS messages in Integrator, you configure a Map-Broker in a Sequential Activity. When you set values in the Map-Broker, these values are associated with a specific message and override any attribute values that are normally set by the Channel when that message is transported.

View example

Extracting attribute values from received messages

To retrieve the JMS attribute values of incoming JMS messages in Integrator, you configure a Map-Broker in a Sequential Activity.

View procedure