Implementation > Monitoring services > Monitoring services for Gateway exchanges > Overview

Monitoring Gateway transfer events: Overview

Monitoring Gateway with Sentinel

Configuration requirements

Gateway objects

Monitoring Gateway with Sentinel

You can use Sentinel to collect information about targeted Gateway transfer activities. Sentinel enables you to generate graphic views of these events.

Sentinel provides you with tools that help you create pre-programmed automatic responses to specified network conditions. Using these tools, you can configure Sentinel to act immediately to handle exceptional and/or abnormal transfer events that occur in Gateway. You can also configure Sentinel to respond to a programmed event that fails to occur.

Configuration requirements

Required products 

To operate Gateway and Sentinel together, you require the following Axway products:

GatewayGateway is a router and file server. It provides a secured front-end for handling data exchanges between partners connected via public networks (in particular, Internet) and enterprise network applications. It supports a wide range of protocols, including FTP, SFTP, HTTP/S, EDIINT, OFTP, PeSit, ETEBAC3, ETEBAC5, RosettaNet, and WebServices.

Sentinel Sentinel is a monitoring product that provides you with a set of tools for viewing and reacting to events that occur in your network applications and platforms.

ComposerComposer is the centralized management product for the Axway 5 Suite. Via Composer, you design, manage and deploy your configuration.

Network architecture

Composer Server, Gateway, and Sentinel can be installed either on the same machine or on different machines and on the same or different platforms. When installed on the same machine, you can either use the same or different users to access the products. Additionally, you can use the same database for the Composer Server and the Sentinel Server.

Gateway objects

To enable you to monitor Gateway transfer activities using Sentinel, Gateway provides the following objects:

You import these Gateway objects from the Axway Support website

Tracked Objects

Gateway sends event information related to Gateway transfer activities to Sentinel. It transfers this information in messages called Tracked Event Messages. The Sentinel database receives and stores these Tracked-Event Messages in structured table records. It converts each Tracked-Event Message into a database record called a Tracked-Event Record. Tracked Objects define the structure of these database Tracked-Event Records.

Gateway provides two Tracked Objects:

Each Tracked Object contains a set of attributes that include Sentinel system attributes and Gateway-specific attributes. A Tracked-Event Message is an event notification containing a value for each attribute defined in the associated Tracked Object.

For details about the attributes contained in each Gateway Tracked Object, refer to the Axway Gateway online documentation.


XFBLog describes the contents of an XFBLog file. This log stores traces of the events and errors that occur on Gateway, according to the trace level defined.


XFBTransfer includes attributes that you can use to identify:


Gateway provides the following set of predefined Requests:

Indicator Requests

Gateway provides a set of Indicator Requests for the XFBTransfer object:

You can use these Indicator Requests in the definition of a Dashboard.

Correlation Rules

Gateway provides the following set of Correlation Rules.


Gateway provides a Dashboard object with the following three Dashboard pages:

Related topics

General implementation procedure