Creating an Integration-Task for setting values to JMS message attributes

About the Integration-Task


After you create the Integration-Task

About the Integration-Task

An Integration-Task contains the technical information that is necessary to execute a specific Integration-Process on a specific Integrator Server instance.

In this example, we are assuming that you intend to send JMS messages to a WebSphere server, and that the Channel linking Integrator to WebSphere already exists.


  1. Open Composer and in the Integration Manager tab of the Integration Services workbench select New > Integration > Integration-Task from the File menu.
  2. Composer displays the Integration-Task properties window.
  3. Complete the General tab.
  4. Complete the Configuration tab.
  5. Check, save and close the object.

After you create the Integration-Task

Send the Integration-task to the Integrator Server.

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