Configuring Gateway for communication with PassPort PM


GUI procedure

Command line procedure

About configuring Gateway for communication with PassPort PM

After you install Gateway and PassPort, to activate the communication between the two products for PassPort partner management, on the Gateway side you must set Gateway configuration parameters.

GUI procedure

  1. Start Gateway Navigator and the Gateway Server.
  2. Open a Gateway Navigator session on the Gateway Server.
  3. In the left pane of the GUI main window, right-click the Gateway server that you want to configure and select Configure from the context menu.
  4. The Configuration window is displayed.
  5. In the left pane of the Configuration window, go to Connectivity > Synchrony connectivity > PassPort.
  6. Complete the PKI services and Partner management sections of the right pane:
  7. Parameter Description

    PKI services

    Use PKI services

    Select this option to use PassPort PS and to use PassPort PM.


    Enter the PassPort PS server IP address.


    Enter the PassPort PS server access port number that corresponds to the XP3 port for the PassPort PS server.

    Default = 7777.

    Partner management

    Use partner management

    Only possible if the option Use PKI services is selected.

    Select this option to use PassPort PM partner management.

    Home directory

    Enter the path and name of the directory where PassPort PM is installed. The location of this directory can be local or remote.

    Click the browse button to locate and select the directory.

    Parameters file

    Enter the path and file name of the PassPort PM parameters file.

    Click the browse button to locate and select the file.

  8. Click Apply and OK.

Command line procedure

  1. Start the Gateway server.
  2. Open a command console on the machine that supports Gateway.
  3. Set the following PassPort partner management parameters:
  4. cd /Gateway/run_time/etc

    . ./profile

    peluconf standalone set -s tpm tpm_option 1

    peluconf standalone set -s tpm tpm_version 4.0

    peluconf standalone set -s tpm server_address localhost

    peluconf standalone set -s tpm server_port 6090

    peluconf standalone set -s tpm component_id Gateway

    peluconf standalone set -s tpm login system

    peluconf standalone set -s tpm password System01



  5. Check the resulting configuration:
  6. peluconf standalone get -s tpm









    [tpm]certificate_file='<NO VALUE SET>'

    [tpm]certificate_file_password='<NO VALUE SET>'

