Configuring the outbound SSH initiator connection in Gateway

Field Description

Network Profile

Enter a name for the Network Profile. The Profile name must be unique in the Network Profile database.
Maximum: 31 characters.

Origin address/ Port

Enter the originating address and Port number that this Profile is associated with.

Destination address/ Port

Enter the destination address and Port number that this Profile is associated with.

Network type

Select the Network type:

  • X.25
  • TCP/IP

Network security

Select the type of security required for this Profile:

  • None
  • TLS
  • SSH

Security Profile

Select the Security Profile to associate with this Network Profile.

If Communication is set to X.25:

User Data

Enter user data. Used for X.25 networks.

About this procedure

For outbound SFTP connections, by default Gateway uses the predefined SFTP template remote site. 

To allow the association of any number of security profiles for an outbound protocol, make sure that the SSH_OUT security profile you created is associated with the SFTP remote site.


  1. In the left pane of the GUI main window, expand the nodes: Partner Management > Sites and click the Remote Site folder.
  2. Gateway displays the available Remote Sites.
  3. Double-click the SFTP Remote Site.
  4. Gateway displays the summary screen for this site.
  5. Select the SFTP tab.
  6. Confirm that the SSH Profile field displays SFTP_OUT (or whatever name you assigned to the SSH outbound security profile).
  7. Click Close.