Creating Network Profiles in Gateway

About Network Profiles in Gateway

A Network Profile associates an incoming network connection request with a Security Profile. If no Network Profile matches the incoming connection, or if the matched Profile does not refer to an existing Security Profile, the session is interrupted.


  1. In the left pane of the GUI main window, expand the nodes: Security Management > Transfer Security Management
  2. Right-click the Network Profile sub-node, and select New... from the context menu.
  3. Gateway displays the New Network Profile screen.
  4. Complete the fields:
  5. Field Description
    Network Profile Enter a name for the Network Profile. The Profile name must be unique in the Network Profile database.
    Maximum: 31 characters.
    Origin address/ Port Enter the originating address and Port number that this Profile is associated with.
    Destination address/ Port Enter the destination address and Port number that this Profile is associated with.
    Network type

    Select the Network type:

    • X.25
    • TCP/IP
    Network security

    Select the type of security required for this Profile:

    • None
    • TLS
    • SSH
    Security Profile Select the Security Profile to associate with this Network Profile.

    User Data

    (for X.25)

    Enter user data. Used for X.25 networks.
    Maximum: 31 characters.
  6. Click OK to confirm.