Creating a SSH Profile in Gateway

  1. In the left pane of the GUI main window, expand the nodes: Security Management > Transfer Security Management > Security Profile
  2. Right-click the SSH Profile sub-node, and select New... from the context menu.
  3. Gateway displays the New SSH Profile screen.
  4. On the General tab, complete the fields:
  5. Field Description

    Enter a name for the SSH Profile. The Profile name must be unique in the Network Profile database.
    Maximum: 31 characters.

    For this example we suggest: SSH_IN

    Profile type Select SERVER from the drop-down list.
    Enable Select this option.
    Key exchange algorithms Accept default.
    Encryption algorithms Accept default.
    Mac algorithms Accept default.
    Public key algorithms

    Select select a public key algorithm to use:

    • SSH_RSA
    • SSH_DSS
    • X509V3_SIGN_RSA
    Client authentication methods Select Password.
    Exit scheduling Do not select.
    Data compression Do not select.
    Key renegotiation section
    Minutes before new keys 60 (default)
    MB before new keys 1000 (default)
  6. On the Authentication tab, accept the defaults.
  7. On the PassPort PS tab, complete the fields:
  8. Field Description
    Local entity section
    Name Enter the local security entity name for access to the PassPort PS server.
    Password Enter the entity password.
    Confirmation Confirm the entity password.
    Partner entity section
    Name Do not complete this field.
  9. Click OK to confirm and save.