Creating a Virtual File Directory (VFD) in Gateway

About the Virtual File Directory

Axway Gateway can act as a file server for FTP, SFTP or HTTP transfers. You can use Virtual file directories (VFDs) to control the views that users have from client machines of files stored on Gateway.

The Virtual File Directory (VFD) is a virtual device that enables you to provide an administrator-controlled view of data organization to specific users via a file directory tree. The VFD comprises directories and files.

When you start Gateway for the first time, it creates a root directory automatically. All new directories that you create subsequently belong to the root directory and can contain sub-directories or files.

You can only use the VFD:


  1. In the left pane of the GUI main window, expand the Transfer Management node.
  2. Right-click the VFD sub-node, and select New... from the context menu.
  3. Gateway displays the New Virtual File Directory screen.
  4. Complete the fields:
  5. Field Description

    Enter /[protocol name]

    Examples: \ftp, \sftp, \http, \pesit, \as2, ...

    Gateway automatically completes the path name field with the path of the parent directory.

    Name Enter the name of the directory.
    Alias (Optional) Enter a VFD directory alias. Use the alias to designate a specific directory within the VFD, regardless of whether it was moved or renamed. You can either reference the VFD via the alias name or via the path name. The value that you enter in this field must be unique in the whole VFD.
    Maximum: 24 alphanumeric characters.

    Enter a free-text description of the directory.
    Maximum: 80 alphanumeric characters.


    Only used in RFD mode.

    Select this option to record Transfer operations on this directory in the Gateway Mailbox.

    User data Enter a user message associated with the current VFD Item.
    Maximum: 256 alphanumeric characters.

    File name display option

    Select one of the following:

    • XFB specific: Display VFD file names in the format: s.XferIdent.filename
    • Standard: Display the VFD file name only

    File name duplication policy

    Only available if File name display option is set to Standard.

    Select one of the following:

    • Duplicate: Allow duplicate file names
    • Forbid: Forbid duplicate file names. If the file name already exists, the new transfer request is not accepted.
    • Override: Override the old file name. If the file name already exists, the old transfer is canceled and the new one is added.
  6. Click OK to confirm.