Creating a Remote Trading Partner

About the Gateway Remote Trading Partner object

Gateway GUI procedure

Gateway command line procedure

About the Gateway Remote Trading Partner object

In the Remote Trading Partner object you specify information about the remote trading partner and the requested services for exchanges with that partner.

Gateway GUI procedure

  1. In the left pane of the Gateway Navigator main window, click to expand the Partner Management node.
  2. Right-click the Trading Partners sub-node and from the context menu select New.
  3. From the context menu, select the type of partner.
  4. When you select a partner type, Gateway displays the Trading Partner properties window. The parameters displayed depend on the type of partner (protocol).Complete the fields of the Trading Partner window.
  5. Complete the fields of the Trading Partner window.
  6. Click OK.
  7. Gateway creates a new Remote Trading Partner object with the specified characteristics.

Gateway command line procedure

To create a Remote Trading Partner object via the command line, use the peladm create_tradepart command.

For details of command line use, refer to the Axway Gateway online documentation.