Testing the outbound HTTP client initiator configuration

About the procedures

This topic contains procedures for sending a test file named "sample" that is located in the directory c:\sample using either the command line or the Gateway Navigator GUI.

Command line procedure

From the Gateway command line interface, run the following command:

peltrans -m I -dir O -ty TRANS -appli DEFAULT_B -fc c:\sample -fn sample -tpmdea RHTTP_Partner_remote

Gateway Navigator procedure

To send a test transfer from Gateway using Gateway navigator, your first create a Transfer Model and then submit the transfer by referencing the model in a Transfer Request.

Create the Transfer Model

  1. Launch Gateway Navigator and the Gateway Server, then open a Gateway Navigator session on the Gateway Server.
  2. In Gateway Navigator, in the left pane of the main window, expand the Transfer Management > Parameters > Model > Transfer Model node.
  3. Right-click Transfer Model and select New.
  4. Gateway Navigator opens the New General Model screen.
  5. Complete the fields:
  6. Click OK.

Submit the Transfer Request

  1. Launch Gateway Navigator and the Gateway Server, then open a Gateway Navigator session on the Gateway Server.
  2. In Gateway Navigator, in the left pane of the main window, expand the Transfer Management node.
  3. Right-click Transfers and select New > Transfer Request.
  4. Gateway Navigator opens the New Transfer Request screen.
  5. In the General tab select Transfer Model that you created in the preceding procedure.
  6. Click OK to confirm and launch the transfer.

Check the transfer

Check the Mailbox

After you execute a Transfer Request you can view a record of the transfer in the Gateway mailbox:

  1. In the left pane of the GUI main window, click to expand the Transfer Management node.
  2. Click the Transfers sub-node.
  3. In the right pane, Gateway displays all Transfer Request records currently contained in the Mailbox. Each row represents one Transfer Request.
  4. In the left pane, double-click the line that represents the Transfer Request you want to review.
  5. Gateway displays the Transfer Request information window. Use the tabs of this window to view the characteristics of the Transfer Request.

Checking the log

By default, Gateway records network activity in a log file. To view the log file, in the left pane of the GUI main window click Transfer Management > Monitoring > Log. Gateway displays the current log file contents in the right pane.

To display a help file that provides information about a specific log entry, double-click any line of the log file in the right pane. Gateway opens the online help, displaying information relating to the line you selected.