Deployment examples > X9 > Registering an MFC in Integrator

Registering an MFC on an Integrator Server



  1. From Composer, open Copilot and then open the Copilot Component Registry.
  2. In the Component Registry Manager window, select the folder in the left pane where you want to add the registration.
  3. Select File > New > Register Message Flow Component.
  4. Navigate to the directory that contains the MFC, and click Open.
  5. Copilot displays a dialog box with the following fields:
  6. Field Action Requirement


    Enter a name for the MFC that you want to register.
    The default value is the MFC name.



    Enter a description for the registration.
    The default value is the MFC description.



    Select Enabled to enable the registration. This allows Integrator programs to load and execute the MFC.


  7. Click the MB Component tab to display information about the interfaces related to the MFC.

Related topics

Concept: Message Flow Component

Committing registration changes in Copilot