Creating security entities for Gateway

About this procedure

Every certificate in PassPort must be associated with exactly one certificate entity. Before you can import or add certificates or keys for a local partner, you must create an entity.

You must also create at least one entity before PassPort allows you to add a local partner under the Partners area of the user interface.


  1. In the PassPort user interface, select Security > Entities.
  2. PassPort opens the entity management page.
  3. Click the New entity icon.
  4. PassPort opens the new entity configuration page.
  5. Enter a name for the entity: For this example enter Gateway
  6. Enter a password for the entity: For this example enter Gateway
  7. Confirm the password.
  8. Click OK.
  9. PassPort creates the Gateway entity and adds it to the list of entities on the entity management page.
  10. In the list of entities, click the name of the Gateway entity that you just created.
  11. PassPort opens the CommunityEntity summary page.
  12. In the Certificates section, click Generate.
  13. PassPort opens the certificate generation wizard.
  14. Complete the following fields:
  15. Click OK.
  16. PassPort generates the certificate for the entity and reopens the new entity summary page.
  17. In the summary page, for the new certificate, first select the Active option, then select the Trusted option.
  18. Click Save.
  19. From the menu bar, select Security > Entities to display the entity management page.
  20. Click the new entity checkbox to select it.
  21. From the toolbar located above the entity list, select Change to... > Trusted.
  22. A green disk icon located next to the entity name indicates that the Gateway entity is now trusted.