Checking the Composer instance properties in PassPort

About this task

When you import the Composer CSD to PassPort, PassPort generates a representation of the instance of Composer that you can view and edit in the PassPort user interface. PassPort uses this information to identify and enable exchanges with the Composer instance.

When Composer connects to PassPort it must provide a set of property values that are identical to the values that PassPort expects to receive, otherwise the connection is refused.

In Composer, you can view a file that contains Composer's PassPort AM connection properties. You should confirm that these properties are identical in PassPort. If any values are not identical, you must correct the values on the PassPort side.


Step 1: Viewing the PassPort AM connection values in Composer

  1. Go to <Composer install directory>\composer\properties and open the file in a text editor.
  2. This file contains a section dedicated to PassPort AM connectivity, as in the following example:
  3. ###############################################################################

    # PassportAM






    Sentinel trkserver.xml path = [install directory]\conf


    <PassportAM activated="true"

    host="" port="16090"

    instance="default" domain="Synchrony"

    login="sentinel" password="mVq8TCO5Tqx9uvszuj2oUw==" />

  4. Note the values of the properties:
  5. Go to [Axway home installation directory]\synPatch\ and open the file in a text editor.
  6. Note the value of the property:

Step 2: Confirming the Composer instance properties in PassPort

  1. Open a session of the PassPort UI
  2. Select Access > Components.
  3. From the list of products (components) in the left panel, select Composer.
  4. Select the Composer Instances tab, and from the instances list, click the Composer instance that corresponds to the instance you wish to verify. If you have a single instance, by default it is named default.
  5. In the display, check the display of the instance property values you noted in Composer.
  6. If any of the displayed values are different from the values you noted in the Composer properties files, modify and save the corrected values in PassPort.