Configuring Tomcat for Sentinel Monitoring

About the configuration

To extend the capabilities of Sentinel Monitoring, configure Tomcat.

These configurations add access to higher-level request objects, and customize the lifecycle views for Tracked Objects.


  1. Go to <Sentinel install directory>\www\SentinelMonitoring\WEB-INF\config\ and open the file monitoring-config.xml in a text editor.
  2. Append the following sub searches:
  3. <SubSearch>

    <search lifecycle="false">Company.Passport.PassportAuditAll</search>



    <param name="Category ?" searchAttrName="Category"/>




    <search lifecycle="false">Company.Passport.PassportAuditAll</search>



    <param name="Sub category ?" searchAttrName="SubCategory"/>




    <search lifecycle="false">Company.Passport.PassportAuditAllCategorySearch</search>



    <param name="Sub category ?" searchAttrName="SubCategory"/>




    <search lifecycle="false">Company.Passport.PassportSummaryAll</search>



    <param name="TransactionId ?" searchAttrName="TransactionId"/>



  4. NOTE: The structure of Company.Passport is assumed. You must modify this in the file, if the structure at the installation site is different.
  5. Add subdirectories for each Tracked Object:



  7. In the PASSPORT_AUDIT_SUMMARY sub directory, add a file called obj-config.xml with the following content:
  8. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <!-- Tracked Object configuration information -->

    <TrackedObjConfig xmlns:xsi=""



    <!-- Attributes displayed in lifecycle view -->










    <!-- Attributes displayed in detailed view -->




    <!-- Attributes to define if you add a new event to the lifecycle view -->




    <!-- Attributes to define if you modify a event in the lifecycle view -->





  9. In the PASSPORT_AUDIT_V2 sub directory, add a file called obj-config.xml with the following content:
  10. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

    <!-- Tracked Object configuration information -->

    <TrackedObjConfig xmlns:xsi=""



    <!-- Attributes displayed in lifecycle view -->










    <!-- Attributes displayed in detailed view -->




    <!-- Attributes to define if you add a new event to the lifecycle view -->




    <!-- Attributes to define if you modify a event in the lifecycle view -->


