Supported messages > FX messages > SWIFT - FIN FX

SWIFT – FIN FX messages

MT3xx Messages

Version Message type Description
2008 MT300 Foreign Exchange Confirmation
MT303 Forex/Currency Option Allocation Instruction
MT304 Advice/Instruction of a Third Party Deal
MT305 Foreign Currency Option Confirmation
MT306 Foreign Currency Option Confirmation
MT307 Advice/Instruction of a Third Party FX Deal
MT308 Instruction for Gross/Net Settlement of Third Party FX Deals
MT320 Fixed Loan/Deposit Confirmation
MT321 Instruction to Settle a Third Party Loan/Deposit
MT330 Call/Notice Loan/Deposit Confirmation
MT340 Forward Rate Agreement Confirmation
MT341 Forward Rate Agreement Settlement Confirmation
MT350 Advice of Loan/Deposit Interest Payment
MT360 Single Currency Interest Rate Derivative Confirmation
MT361 Cross Currency Interest Rate Swap Confirmation
MT362 Interest Rate Reset/Advice of Payment
MT364 Single Currency Interest Rate Derivative Termination/Recouponing Confirmation
MT365 Cross Currency Interest Rate Swap Termination/Recouponing Confirmation
MT380 Foreign Exchange Order
MT381 Foreign Exchange Order Confirmation
MT390 Advice of Charges, Interest and Other Adjustments
MT391 Request for Payment of Charges, Interest and Other Expenses
MT392 Request for Cancellation
MT395 Queries
MT396 Answers
MT398 Proprietary Message
MT399 Free Format Message
2010 MT300 Foreign Exchange Confirmation
MT303 Forex/Currency Option Allocation Instruction
MT304 Advice/Instruction of a Third Party Deal
MT305 Foreign Currency Option Confirmation
MT306 Foreign Currency Option Confirmation
MT307 Advice/Instruction of a Third Party FX Deal
MT320 Fixed Loan/Deposit Confirmation
MT321 Instruction to Settle a Third Party Loan/Deposit
MT330 Call/Notice Loan/Deposit Confirmation
MT340 Forward Rate Agreement Confirmation
MT341 Forward Rate Agreement Settlement Confirmation
MT350 Advice of Loan/Deposit Interest Payment
MT360 Single Currency Interest Rate Derivative Confirmation
MT361 Cross Currency Interest Rate Swap Confirmation
MT362 Interest Rate Reset/Advice of Payment
MT364 Single Currency Interest Rate Derivative Termination/Recouponing Confirmation
MT365 Cross Currency Interest Rate Swap Termination/Recouponing Confirmation
MT380 Foreign Exchange Order
MT381 Foreign Exchange Order Confirmation
MT390 Advice of Charges, Interest and Other Adjustments
MT391 Request for Payment of Charges, Interest and Other Expenses
MT392 Request for Cancellation
MT395 Queries
MT396 Answers
MT398 Proprietary Message
MT399 Free Format Message
2011 MT304 Advice/Instruction of a Third Party Deal
MT321 Instruction to Settle a Third Party Loan/Deposit
MT380 Foreign Exchange Order
MT381 Foreign Exchange Order Confirmation
2012 MT300 Foreign Exchange Confirmation
MT304 Advice/Instruction of a Third Party Deal
MT305 Foreign Currency Option Confirmation
MT306 Foreign Currency Option Confirmation
MT370 Netting Position Advice

MT6xx Messages

Version Message type Description
2008 MT600 Precious Metal Trade Confirmation
MT601 Precious Metal Option Confirmation
MT604 Precious Metal Transfer/Delivery Order
MT605 Precious Metal Notice to Receive
MT606 Precious Metal Debit Advice
MT607 Precious Metal Credit Advice
MT608 Statement of a Metal Account
MT609 Statement of Metal Contracts
MT620 Metal Fixed Loan/Deposit Confirmation
MT643 Notice of Drawdown/Renewal
MT644 Advice of Rate and Amount Fixing
MT645 Notice of Fee Due
MT646 Payment of Principal and/or of Interest
MT649 General Syndicated Facility Message
MT690 Advice of Charges, Interest and Other Adjustments
MT691 Request for Payment of Charges, Interest and Other Expenses
MT692 Request for Cancellation
MT695 Queries
MT696 Answers
MT698 Proprietary Message
MT699 Free Format Message
2010 MT600 Commodity Trade Confirmation
MT601 Commodity Option Confirmation
MT604 Commodity Transfer/Delivery Order
MT605 Commodity Notice to Receive
MT606 Commodity Debit Advice
MT607 Commodity Credit Advice
MT608 Statement of a Commodity Account
MT609 Statement of Commodity Contracts
MT620 Commodity Fixed Loan/Deposit Confirmation
MT643 Notice of Drawdown/Renewal
MT644 Advice of Rate and Amount Fixing
MT646 Payment of Principal and/or of Interest
MT649 General Syndicated Facility Message
MT690 Advice of Charges, Interest and Other Adjustments
MT691 Request for Payment of Charges, Interest and Other Expenses
MT692 Request for Cancellation
MT695 Queries
MT696 Answers
MT698 Proprietary Message
MT699 Free Format Message
2011 MT600 Precious Metal Trade Confirmation
MT601 Precious Metal Option Confirmation
MT604 Precious Metal Transfer/Delivery Order
MT605 Precious Metal Notice to Receive
MT606 Precious Metal Debit Advice
MT607 Precious Metal Credit Advice
MT608 Statement of a Metal Account
MT609 Statement of Metal Contracts
MT620 Metal Fixed Loan/Deposit Confirmation
MT670 Standing Settlement Instruction Update Notification Request
MT671 Standing Settlement Instruction Update Notification
2012 MT600 Precious Metal Trade Confirmation
MT601 Precious Metal Option Confirmation
MT604 Precious Metal Transfer/Delivery Order
MT605 Precious Metal Notice to Receive
MT606 Precious Metal Debit Advice
MT607 Precious Metal Credit Advice
MT608 Statement of a Metal Account
MT609 Statement of Commodity Contracts
MT620 Metal Fixed Loan/Deposit Confirmation