Supported messages > Securities messages > SWIFT – FIN MT5xx

SWIFT – FIN MT5xx messages

Version Message type Description
2008 MT500 Instruction to Register
MT501 Confirmation of Registration or Modification
MT502 Order to Buy or Sell
MT503 Collateral Claim
MT504 Collateral Proposal
MT505 Collateral Substitution
MT506 Collateral and Exposure Statement
MT507 Collateral Status and Processing Advice
MT508 Intra-Position Advice
MT509 Trade Status Message
MT510 Registration Status and Processing Advice
MT513 Client Advice Of Execution
MT514 Trade Allocation Instruction
MT515 Client Confirmation of Purchase or Sale
MT516 Securities Loan Confirmation
MT517 Trade Confirmation Affirmation
MT518 Market-Side Securities Trade Confirmation
MT519 Modification of Client Details
MT524 Intra-Position Instruction
MT526 General Securities Lending/Borrowing Message
MT527 Triparty Collateral Instruction
MT528 ETC Client-Side Settlement Instruction
MT529 ETC Market-Side Settlement Instruction
MT530 Transaction Processing Command
MT535 Statement of Holdings
MT536 Statement of Transactions
MT537 Statement of Pending Transactions
MT538 Statement of Intra-Position Advices
MT540 Receive Free
MT541 Receive Against Payment
MT542 Deliver Free
MT543 Deliver Against Payment
MT544 Receive Free Confirmation
MT545 Receive Against Payment Confirmation
MT546 Deliver Free Confirmation
MT547 Deliver Against Payment Confirmation
MT548 Settlement Status and Processing Advice
MT549 Request for Statement/Status Advice
MT558 Triparty Collateral Status and Processing Advice
MT559 Paying Agent's Claim
MT564 Corporate Action Notification
MT565 Corporate Action Instruction
MT566 Corporate Action Confirmation
MT567 Corporate Action Status and Processing Advice
MT568 Corporate Action Narrative
MT569 Triparty Collateral and Exposure Statement
MT574_irslst (IRSLST) IRS 1441 NRA
MT574_w8beno (W8BENO) IRS 1441 NRA
MT575 Report of Combined Activity
MT576 Statement of Open Orders
MT577 Statement of Numbers
MT578 Settlement Allegement
MT579 Certificate Numbers
MT581 Collateral Adjustment Message
MT582 Reimbursement Claim Or Advice
MT584 Statement of ETC Pending Trades
MT586 Statement of Settlement Allegements
MT587 Depositary Receipt Instruction
MT588 Depositary Receipt Confirmation
MT589 Depositary Receipt Status and Processing Advice
MT590 Advice of Charges, Interest and Other Adjustments
MT591 Request for Payment of Charges, Interest and Other Expenses
MT592 Request for Cancellation
MT595 Queries
MT596 Answers
MT598 Proprietary Message
MT599 Free Format Message
2010 MT500 Instruction to Register
MT501 Confirmation of Registration or Modification
MT502 Order to Buy or Sell
MT503 Collateral Claim
MT504 Collateral Proposal
MT505 Collateral Substitution
MT506 Collateral and Exposure Statement
MT507 Collateral Status and Processing Advice
MT508 Intra-Position Advice
MT509 Trade Status Message
MT510 Registration Status and Processing Advice
MT513 Client Advice Of Execution
MT514 Trade Allocation Instruction
MT515 Client Confirmation of Purchase or Sale
MT516 Securities Loan Confirmation
MT517 Trade Confirmation Affirmation
MT518 Market-Side Securities Trade Confirmation
MT519 Modification of Client Details
MT524 Intra-Position Instruction
MT526 General Securities Lending/Borrowing Message
MT527 Triparty Collateral Instruction
MT528 ETC Client-Side Settlement Instruction
MT529 ETC Market-Side Settlement Instruction
MT530 Transaction Processing Command
MT535 Statement of Holdings
MT536 Statement of Transactions
MT537 Statement of Pending Transactions
MT538 Statement of Intra-Position Advices
MT540 Receive Free
MT541 Receive Against Payment
MT542 Deliver Free
MT543 Deliver Against Payment
MT544 Receive Free Confirmation
MT545 Receive Against Payment Confirmation
MT546 Deliver Free Confirmation
MT547 Deliver Against Payment Confirmation
MT548 Settlement Status and Processing Advice
MT549 Request for Statement/Status Advice
MT558 Triparty Collateral Status and Processing Advice
MT559 Paying Agent's Claim
MT564 Corporate Action Notification
MT565 Corporate Action Instruction
MT566 Corporate Action Confirmation
MT567 Corporate Action Status and Processing Advice
MT568 Corporate Action Narrative
MT569 Triparty Collateral and Exposure Statement
MT575 Report of Combined Activity
MT576 Statement of Open Orders
MT577 Statement of Numbers
MT578 Settlement Allegement
MT579 Certificate Numbers
MT581 Collateral Adjustment Message
MT582 Reimbursement Claim Or Advice
MT584 Statement of ETC Pending Trades
MT586 Statement of Settlement Allegements
MT587 Depositary Receipt Instruction
MT588 Depositary Receipt Confirmation
MT589 Depositary Receipt Status and Processing Advice
MT590 Advice of Charges, Interest and Other Adjustments
MT591 Request for Payment of Charges, Interest and Other Expenses
MT592 Request for Cancellation
MT595 Queries
MT596 Answers
MT598 Proprietary Message
MT599 Free Format Message
2011 MT503 Collateral Claim
MT504 Collateral Proposal
MT505 Collateral Substitution
MT506 Collateral and Exposure Statement
MT507 Collateral Status and Processing Advice
MT508 Intra-Position Advice
MT514 Trade Allocation Instruction
MT515 Client Confirmation of Purchase or Sale
MT524 Intra-Position Instruction
MT527 Triparty Collateral Instruction
MT530 Transaction Processing Command
MT536 Statement of Transactions
MT537 Statement of Pending Transactions
MT538 Statement of Intra-Position Advices
MT540 Receive Free
MT541 Receive Against Payment
MT542 Deliver Free
MT543 Deliver Against Payment
MT544 Receive Free Confirmation
MT545 Receive Against Payment Confirmation
MT546 Deliver Free Confirmation
MT547 Deliver Against Payment Confirmation
MT548 Settlement Status and Processing Advice
MT549 Request for Statement/Status Advice
MT558 Triparty Collateral Status and Processing Advice
MT564 Corporate Action Notification
MT565 Corporate Action Instruction
MT566 Corporate Action Confirmation
MT567 Corporate Action Status and Processing Advice
MT568 Corporate Action Narrative
MT569 Triparty Collateral and Exposure Statement
MT575 Report of Combined Activity
MT578 Settlement Allegement
MT586 Statement of Settlement Allegements
2012 MT500 Instruction to Register
MT501 Confirmation of Registration or Modification
MT502 Order to Buy or Sell
MT508 Intra-Position Advice
MT509 Collateral Status and Processing Advice
MT513 Trade Status Message
MT514 Trade Allocation Instruction
MT515 Client Confirmation of Purchase or Sale
MT518 Market-Side Securities Trade Confirmation
MT519 Modification of Client Details
MT524 Intra-Position Instruction
MT527 Triparty Collateral Instruction
MT530 Transaction Processing Command
MT535 Statement of Holdings
MT536 Statement of Transactions
MT537 Statement of Pending Transactions
MT538 Statement of Intra-Position Advices
MT540 Receive Free
MT541 Receive Against Payment
MT542 Deliver Free
MT543 Deliver Against Payment
MT544 Receive Free Confirmation
MT545 Receive Against Payment Confirmation
MT546 Deliver Free Confirmation
MT547 Deliver Against Payment Confirmation
MT548 Settlement Status and Processing Advice
MT549 Request for Statement/Status Advice
MT558 Triparty Collateral Status and Processing Advice
MT564 Corporate Action Notification
MT565 Corporate Action Instruction
MT566 Corporate Action Confirmation
MT567 Corporate Action Status and Processing Advice
MT568 Corporate Action Narrative
MT569 Triparty Collateral and Exposure Statement
MT575 Report of Combined Activity
MT576 Statement of Open Orders
MT578 Settlement Allegement
MT586 Statement of Settlement Allegements