FEX use cases > EBICS



Axway Financial Exchange products – EBICS Server

Additional deliverable objects for product configuration – EBICS Server

Documentation – EBICS Server

Axway Financial Exchange products – EBICS Client

Additional deliverable objects for product configuration – EBICS Client

Documentation – EBICS Client


EBICS is a standard for electronic data interchange between corporates and banks. It was originally specified by the Zentraler Kreditausschuss (ZKA) operated by the central associations of the German banking industry.

The recent adoption of EBICS by the Comité Français d'Organisation et de Normalisation Bancaires (CFONB), the French national institution responsible for standards in banking activities is a significant move towards joint payment instruments, standards and frameworks supporting the harmonization of national markets. SEPA provides a European-wide payments format, EBICS provides a common communication protocol with strong security features for payments transactions in wholesale banking.

Provided services

Bank to Corporate exchanges.


Axway Financial Exchange products – EBICS Server

Product Services
EBICS Server Support of EBICS, versions 2.3, 2.4 and 2.5.
Gateway Support of various protocols for communication and provision of routing capabilities.
Messaging Provides connectivity between the EBICS Server and Integrator.
Integrator Provides services for integration operations on exchanged files (validation, transformation, routing, enrichment, …).
Sentinel Provides end-to-end monitoring services.

Additional deliverable objects for product configuration – EBICS Server

Product Add-on object

Adaptable pre-built configuration samples:

  • Support of various protocols for the communication
Sentinel Tracked Objects for:
  • Integrator
  • Gateway
Dashboards for monitoring:
  • Gateway transfers

Documentation – EBICS Server

Axway Financial Exchange products – EBICS Client

Product Services

Support of various protocols (including EBICS 2.3, 2.4 and 2.5) for communication and provision of routing capabilities.


Provides end-to-end monitoring services.

Additional deliverable objects for product configuration – EBICS Client

Product Add-on object

Adaptable pre-built configuration samples:

  • Support of various protocols for the communication
Sentinel Tracked Objects for:
  • Integrator
  • Gateway
Dashboards for monitoring:
  • Gateway transfers

Documentation – EBICS Client