KB Article #164507

Outbound message fail with "connection reset by peer" error message


-- Unable to transmit a message

-- Error in the message details shows:

-- Error(Error(com.cyclonecommerce.tradingengine.transport.UnableToConnectException: Error connecting to HTTP server IP:port, timeout=30s (30,000ms); java.net.SocketException: Connection reset by peer: connect)...


The peer is closing the connection. This can be either the HTTP server itself, or any device on the network between client and server.

  1. Please contact your partner
  2. Verify the exchange point settings are correct
  3. Verify same collaboration settings (e.g. sync vs async receipts) are used by you and your partner
  4. Check with the partner if he see's an incoming connection and if so the error message he is seeing on his end (he might need to enhance his logging)
  5. Check if a third party tool, like telnet (telnet [partner_hostname] [port]) is able to establish a connection from the same machine the outbound connection is made from (Interchange or Secure relay host).
  6. Check the firewall rules on both ends
  7. Use a network tracer (like wireshark or TCPdump) to trace the packet-flow through the network to determine where the connection is reset