KB Article #168069

Setting Encoding for API Server and Linux OS


Character encoding does not seem to be displaying correctly for a given encoding format, i.e UTF-8


Encoding can be forced on the operating system on a Linux OS or in the API Server via the use of a java argument in the jvm.xml file.

If on Linux you can run the following command:

Check what the following is set to on where you have the API Server is installed?

Terminal> env | grep UTF


If it is not set to UTF-8 set it using the command similar to below:

Terminal> export LANG=en_US.UTF-8

Choose the prefered locale, as in the example above it is set to US.

Alternatively add the attached jvm.xml in the
API_Server_install/groups/group-id/instance-id/conf directory:

It contains the following line

<VMArg name="-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8" />

If you already have a jvm.xml located in the API_Server_install/groups/group-id/instance-id/conf directory simply add the line above between the <ConfigurationFragment> nodes.