KB Article #169947
Trace file rotation and characteristics configuration
The trace file characteristics cannot be changed via Policy Studio. However, if required this can be modified in configuration files.
For version 7: apigateway/system/conf/trace.xml
Note: this will apply to the Node Manager and all local API Gateway instances.
By default it contains only the following value
<FileRolloverTrace maxfiles="500" />
Other attributes that the FileRolloverTrace can contain:
"filename"..........the file name used for trace output, defaults to the tracecomponent attribute read from the SystemSettings element
"directory".........the directory where the trace file will be written, defaults to "trace" when not specified
"maxlen"............the maximum size of the trace file before it rolls over to a new file, defaults 1024 * 1024 * 16 i.e. 16Mb
maxfiles"............the maximum number of files that the trace directory will contain for this "filename", defaults to max integer (i.e. 2147483647)
"rollDaily"............should the trace file be rolled at the top of the day, defaults to true
<FileRolloverTrace maxfiles="500"
directory = "/tmp/axway/apigateway/trace" />
Make sure to restart the API Server/Vordel Gateway server if any values were modified for the changes to take effect.