KB Article #175920

Policy Studio Connect to URL filter not allowing Intranet names


Entering an Intranet name with a top level domain name (TLD) not recognised causes Policy Studio to reject the URL with error.

              "Invalid URL entered. Please enter a valid URL."

e.g. http://axway.bc:8080/test

The TLD is checked against the list in http://commons.apache.org/proper/commons-validator/xref/org/apache/commons/validator/routines/DomainValidator.html


Workaround is to use advanced mode dialogue for the filter which allows bypassing the URL validator.
This is done by holding down shift key then double click on the "Connect to URL filter" on the canvas

Make the change to the URL field and click save.

It is anticipated that 7.3 onwards will change to validate the URL format only so Intranet names will be allowed.