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KB Article #176277

Redirecton in Connect to URL fails when HTTP Basic Authentication is Used


- A Connect to URL filter set to follow redirects will be unable to follow them when HTTP Basic authentication is in use, causing trace messages like the following:

DATA 01/Jan/2014:00:00:00.003 [bad0] rcv 126 from max of 3002: <HTTP/1.1 300 Temporary Redirect

Server: Example Server


DEBUG 01/Jan/2014:00:00:00.003 [bad0] HTTP response code from server: 300
DEBUG 01/Jan/2014:00:00:00.003 [bad0] add header Server:Example Server
DEBUG 01/Jan/2014:00:00:00.003 [bad0] add header Location:
DATA 01/Jan/2014:00:00:00.003 [bad0] chunk sync 0
DEBUG 01/Jan/2014:00:00:00.003 [bad0] client transaction 00000000 complete
DEBUG 00/Jan/2014:00:00:00.003 [bad0] delete transaction 00000000 on connection 00000001, audit: 00000003
DATA 01/Jan/2014:00:00:00.003 [bad0] pop source of type HTTP transaction source off 00000002
DATA 01/Jan/2014:00:00:00.003 [bad0] deleted stack 00000002
DEBUG 01/Jan/2014:00:00:00.003 [bad0] release connection 00000001, cacheset=5748F158
DEBUG 01/Jan/2014:00:00:00.003 [bad0] delete connection 00000001, current transaction 00000000
DEBUG 01/Jan/2014:00:00:00.003 [bad0] get connection to host port 80 scheme http
DEBUG 01/Jan/2014:00:00:00.034 [bad0] connected to
DEBUG 01/Jan/2014:00:00:00.034 [bad0] new connection 00000001, settings source statically configured on remote host (allow 1.1=yes, idleTimeout=15000, activeTimeout=30000, needContentLengthRes=0, needContentLengthReq=0)
DATA 01/Jan/2014:00:00:00.034 [bad0] new content stack 00000002
DATA 01/Jan/2014:00:00:00.034 [bad0] push source HTTP transaction source onto 00000002
DEBUG 01/Jan/2014:00:00:00.034 [bad0] new client transaction 00000000
DEBUG 01/Jan/2014:00:00:00.034 [bad0] add header
DATA 01/Jan/2014:00:00:00.034 [bad0] trace transaction
DEBUG 01/Jan/2014:00:00:00.034 [bad0] add header Via:1.1 localproxy ()
DEBUG 01/Jan/2014:00:00:00.034 [bad0] Adding MessageListener:$1@0000000
DEBUG 01/Jan/2014:00:00:00.034 [bad0] connection processor made 2 attempts to transact
DEBUG 01/Jan/2014:00:00:00.034 [bad0] } = 2, filter [Connect to URL -]


* The work-around for this is to process the redirection in your policy.  Set the connect to URL filter so that it does not attempt to redirect, then monitor the http.status.code response and respond to a 307 by reading the location header and connecting to the URL specified in that filter in another connect to URL filter with appropriate HTTP Basic credentials configured.