KB Article #176342

Reset user password without using a SMTP server


In PassPort 4.3 it was possible to reset the password to the default one. The admin (system) was just resetting the password to "PassPort01", after which the user could just re-login and change it.
In PassPort 4.6 it's not possible to perform the described scenario as the following message is prompted after resetting the password, using the system account:
"Your password has been reset but as the mail with your new password cannot be sent, consider retrying your operation or contacting your administrator" .
The user can't login after the above operation with the default "PassPort01" password.

Scenario restriction:no SMTP server


1)Configure Default Password Policy in  Manual mode .

2)Access PassPort interface using the secure http link.

Ex: https://IP:PORT_HTTPS  (default 6453)

3)Click on the user for which the password has to be reset and change the password to a established one (use PassPort01 for example).

After this, the user can login using the established password and he can change it.