KB Article #176437

How Copsproc processes handle Copilot client sessions


--How Copsproc processes handle Copilot client sessions


A minimum of 4 copsproc processes are needed to log in the Copilot GUI.

At least 2 connections are instantiated by the WEB browser itself to retrieve the different resources which composed the log in page:

the admin.html
the index.css
the copilot.js
the bground_body.png
the CopilotApplet.jar

Those 2 connections are automatically closed by the WEB browser according to a timeout (by default 115 seconds on Firefox, see network.http.keep-alive.timeout parameter in Firefox settings).

Then the Java plugin instantiates also 2 connections, one for retrieving the plugin.jar file and a permanet connection reserved for communication (interaction) between the Copilot Applet and the Copilot server.

The first connection instantiated by the Java plugin is instantaneously closed.
The second one is the permanent connection, which remains open until the user's log out.

Each connection is handled by 1 copsproc process.

So to summarize, in order to log in Copilot, 4 available copsproc processes are required. Once the user is logged in, and the HTTP timeouts of the WEB browser are reached, only 1 copsproc/connection remains.