KB Article #176686
Sysupgrade fails on the Gateway Groups Entity Store Configuration
Upgrading a 6.3.1 configuration following the documented procedure fails on the upgrade step in the "Gateway Groups Entity Store Configuration" as belowREPORT 25/Nov/2014:14:12:49.419 [d951890] Gateway Groups Entity Store Configuration started.
INFO 25/Nov/2014:14:12:52.348 [d951890] Current component input directory is out/export/esgroups
ERROR 25/Nov/2014:14:12:53.931 [d951890] Exception from: unknown. Description: Unknown exception. Stack trace: Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/opt/Axway/apigateway/upgrade/scripts/sysupgrade_control.py", line 183, in _Upgrade__execute
result = upgrader.upgradeData(upgradeContext)
File "/opt/Axway/apigateway/upgrade/scripts/esgroups/ESGroupsUpgrader.py", line 35, in upgradeData
groupDeployments = ESGroupsDeployment(deploymentAPI)
File "/opt/Axway/apigateway/upgrade/scripts/esgroups/esgroupsdeployments.py", line 6, in __init__
self.domainDeployments = deploymentAPI.getDomainDeployments()
File "/opt/Axway/apigateway/system/lib/jython/nmdeployment.py", line 152, in getDomainDeployments
return self.deploymentClient.getDomainDeployments()
ClientHandlerException: com.sun.jersey.api.client.ClientHandlerException: javax.net.ssl.SSLException: Unrecognized SSL message, plaintext connection?
REPORT 25/Nov/2014:14:12:53.931 [d951890] FAIL from: Gateway Groups Entity Store Configuration
There is a problem with the 6.3.1 upgrade host value not being "localhost"...
Change the host value in out/userinput.json to localhost as below:
"nodemgradmin" : "admin",
"scheme" : "https",
"host" : " localhost",
"port" : "8090",
"passphrases" : {
"group-2:instance-1" : "abcdefghij"
then re run the upgrade step
./sysupgrade upgrade --component=topology,extlib,sysconfig,esgroups,adminusers