KB Article #176830

IDF defined with DELETE=YES no longer delete the catalog record for the matching transfers?


For IDF defined with DELETE=YES the matching catalog record is no longer deleted?

CFTSEND or CFTRECV with DELETE=YES are not deleted from the catalog, when it worked with V271


From Transfer CFT version 3.1.3, when DELETE=YES is used:

1) If the EXEC procedure is not found (diagp NO EXEC), it's necessary to modify the following uconf value to "No" to ensure the DELETE of the matching transfer record is done from the CFT catalog, considering a not found EOT as normal operation.

cft.server.transfer.raise_error_when_exec_not_found = No

2) When the EXEC procedure exists,  it is mandatory to add a END command into that procedure. It makes CFT considering the completion of the transfer after the EOT, and then, deleting the matching catalog record synchronously after the END command.