KB Article #177005

error message: "Error: Internal error: port out of range:-1"


-- When trying to download the new BANK SSL certificate using the "retrieveSSlServerCert" command, the error message below appears:

2015-02-11 10:10:43,782 - [main] DEBUG (CmdLineParser.createCmdLineOptions:195) - Create the command line options for parser
2015-02-11 10:10:43,782 - [main] DEBUG (CmdLineParser.createCmdLineOptions:481) - Creation of the options for command line parser done
2015-02-11 10:10:43,875 - [main] INFO (TaskHelper.sendTask:53) - Going to execute task : Action= RETRIEVE_SSL_SERVER_CERT, parameters= {BANK=CM}
2015-02-11 10:10:44,063 - [main] ERROR (TaskHelper.sendTask:67) - Error: Internal error: port out of range:-1
2015-02-11 10:10:44,063 - [main] DEBUG (TaskHelper.exit:88) - End command line. 2015-02-11 10:10:44,079 - [main] DEBUG (TaskHelper.exit:91) - Abnormal termination


- This error message "Error: Internal error: port out of range:-1" appears when the URL of the bank does not contain the HTTPS listening port number of the EBICS SERVER. Example: URL=https://ebicsserver/ebicsweb/ebicsweb

To resolve this issue, you have just to add the https port number (by default 443) to the URL of the bank using the "updateBank" command:
adminClient.bat -a updateBank --bankName bank --url https://ebicsserver:443/ebicsweb/ebicsweb