KB Article #177035
How to report an API Gateway crash
-- Your API Gateway crashed and you want to know what information should be reported to Axway support.
* In order to debug a crash, API Gateway support generally needs the following items from you. The more quickly you are able to provide the following items, the better we will be able to help you.
1) Core file: Save a copy of the core file for analysis. After you open a case, Axway support will link an SFTP upload account to it. Make sure the core has not been truncated. Depending on the OS, you may have to check ulimit settings to ensure that they're set to unlimited, as truncated cores may be impossible to analyze. On most Linux systems, ulimit -a will print the limits for the current user and ulimit -c unlimited will remove limits on core dump size. Any problems getting a system core then try checking through these 2 useful articles Hunting the core and Understand and configure core dumps on Linux
2) Core stack trace: Using the machine where the core was dumped, follow these instructions on how to generate a core stack trace and send support the core_info.txt file created.
3) Platform & Version: Make sure this information is accurate. You can find the build # at the top of every trace file. Also make sure you're on the latest SP, if applicable. This is both because the SP may correct your issue and because any new patches will have the latest SP as a dependency.
4) 3rd party libraries: Check the contents of /ext/lib and provide support with any 3rd party libraries you may be using.
5) System libraries. Please send us a copy of the following system libraries for Linux crashes:
6) Configuration: Please give us the latest configuration from the machine that crashed. You can connect with Policy Studio and do a File | Save Deployment Archive, then send us the FED file. If it doesn't run at all, you can copy /groups/group-x/conf/{archive ID}. If there are multiple archives, pull the newest or check deployments.json from the /groups folder to see which one is in use. In 6.x, you can just copy /conf/fed but that's the Node Manager's config in 7.x.
7) Trace files: Please supply the trace files from the time of the crash.