KB Article #177257

Difference between Maximum Sessions and Maximum Connections in PeSIT Settings


What it the difference between Maximum Sessions and Maximum Connections in "Admin GUI -> Setup -> PeSIT Settings".

What error messages can be seen in client systems if any of the limits are reached?


The options in "Admin GUI -> Setup -> PeSIT Settings" are global and affect all transfers initiated by your clients.
The "Maximum Sessions Number" parameter determines how many separate PeSIT transfers can be run simultaneously to you.
The "Maximum Connections Number" parameter determines how many TCP connections can be initiated, regardless of the number of transfers.

For example:
If you configure 100 max sessions and 100 max connections, you could have:
- 100 concurrent transfers, each opening 1 TCP connection
- 50 concurrent transfers, each opening 2 simultaneous TCP connections
- 1 transfer, opening 100 simultaneous TCP connections

Basically you can run out of one or the other separately.
The configuration does *not* mean 100 sessions times 100 TCP connections.

If you reach the maximum session count limit, clients would get a message similar to this:

Connection failure while connecting to remote host st.company.com:17,617 as user null: Received negative CONNECT_CONF response: diagCode=303, diagText=303-Congestion in distant communication system (too many connections)

If you reach the maximum connections count limit, clients would get a message similar to this:

Connection failure while connecting to remote host st.company.com:17,617 as user null: The transfer has been aborted before CONNECT_CONF confirmation is received.