KB Article #177588
STOP_FLAG attribute - usage
-- What is the STOP_FLAG attribute
-- Why is the STOP_FLAG attribute set to 1 and therefore causing the Integration to stop? No errors in trace.
STOP_FLAG is an attribute set internally by a map which throws some errors, in order to stop the execution of the Enveloper. When the flag is set to 0 (i.e. not set), then the Enveloper will run. Otherwise, the processing will stop. The value of the STOP_FLAG attribute can be easily checked by using a SyncPoint before the Enveloper.
STOP_FLAG will only be set if there is X12/EDIFACT present in input or output:
- For EDIFACT maps: attribute will be added after is you use a patch newer than CORE_211-03-05-16
- For X12 maps: attribute will be added is you use patches newer than IX12_113-01-30, CORE_211_03-16-03 and CORE_211_03-05-18
- For Inhouse maps: attribute will not be set
If you use the latest version of these patches, then you'll have the attribute set.
Fixed issue:
If an EDIFACT or X12 map encounters non-fatal errors in its input document and it's configured to "Ignore but log" the errors in Integration Manager, the Enveloper still refuses to envelop the output message if "Copy attributes" is also configured for the output message. To fix this, the procmbc_allowenvelop.x4 (a sample MBC) can be used. If "Allow envelop example" from the "Core" folder is added to an EDIFACT or X12 outbound activity, as a new stage before the enveloper stage, it enables the output of such maps to be enveloped in such situations.
This MBC has been included in the patch CORE_211_03-50-26. Please request this patch from the Support team if you need this solution in your installation.