KB Article #177719

Copilot server abends as soon as a user connection occurs


Copilot server abends as soon as a user connection occurs

Messages in the Copilot SYSOUT:

SOP$CFT.CFTV2.V300CP00.CCVS.OPENSSL(EVPàENC)(153): OpenSSL internal error, assertion failed: inl > 0

EDC6006E The raise() function was issued for the signal SIGABRT.

From entry point OpenSSLDie at statement 549 at compile unit offset +0000008C at entry offset +0000008C at address



The RCA shows that the CFTPARM file was corrupted.

The corruption occurred from a transfer EOT procedure doing some CFT parameters update using an older CFTUTIL program.

Fix: re-create and reload the corrupted file

Note: To avoid using a wrong CFTUTIL program version, the PCFTUTIL procedure should be used in all batches.