KB Article #177762

154 ERRTRCOD Transcoding error : (iconv) Invalid argument (errno=22)


One single record XML file > 1MB

UTF8 to ISO8859 conversion using the enmbeded xCHARSET


Transcoding error : (iconv) Invalid argument (errno=22)


Long record XML files (single record) cannot be transferred as Text files and are therefore not compatible with online xCHARSET translation*.

For such a file, when xCHARSET is needed, xCHARSET needs to be done before or after the transfer or the file needs to be converted to XML pretty at first.

*CFT embedded online xCHARSET works with records to ensure the data to translate is not cut in a middle of a double byte encoded character.

It can work properly only with FTYPE values (T, O and X)