KB Article #178565

Network file access under user rights does not work - USERCTRL=YES


Windows 2008


Network drive (UNC and/or mapped drive)

CFTF02E local file selection error 38365184


CFT user is a domain user


* When running CFT or any other product in interactive mode, you can access to files on network disk if the interactive user has the access rights to the files and to the share.
The access can be done using a mounted drive (Z: ) or UNC notation ( \\server\share).

* When running CFT or any other product in service mode, you can access to files on network disk if the user account of the service has the access rights to the files and to the share.
The access can be done using UNC notation (\\server\share).
The access with a mapped drive needs the launch of a script at start. See [https://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc770556(v=ws.11).aspx.].
The script contains a command such as:
net use Z: \\server\share /u:cftqa /persistent:yes

* The CFT UserCtrl feature works only on local files.

You can't access to files on a network using the service account that has no access to the file. For that last point, this requires the usage of the password.

It means that CFT service run by a domain user cannot access remote files when USERCTRL is set to YES !