KB Article #178691

Update certificate info manually in CPA


How to update community or partner certificate information in CPA manually?


To update the certificate information in CPA, you would require public key information of that certificate. A tool- keyInfoWriter is available for exporting public key information from a certificate.

Steps are as follows-

  1. Export the community or partner certificate to a file. The file must have an extension of .cer, .p7b or .p7c.
  2. Go to <install_directory>/Interchange/tools folder and run the tool keyInfoWriter.cmd (Windows) or keyInfoWriter (UNIX).
  3. This command line tool must be run from the tools directory in the following format. The extracted KeyInfo element information then can be copied to a CPA.

keyInfoWriter <path of certificate file> <path of XML output file>

Example to use the tool : keyInfoWriter-

keyInfoWriter c:\certificates\cert1.p7b c:\certificates\cert1_keyinfo.xml