KB Article #178985

Enable SQL debug with parameter values


-- Per default, logging of SQL queries will not show values of SQL parameters

-- Instead it will only show questionmarks (?), e.g.: an error attempting to enter too big data into one column:

Caused by: <openjpa-0.0.0-rnull fatal general error> 
org.apache.openjpa.persistence.PersistenceException: Data truncation 
{prepstmnt 845137154 UPDATE Messages SET ConsumptionFilename = ?, 
ConsumptionUrl = ?, ContentMimeType = ?, CurrentStateType = ?, Direction
 = ?, DocumentClass = ?, ProductionFilename = ?, ReceiverRoutingID = ?, 
ReceiverRoutingIDType = ?, ResubmitInfo = ?, SenderRoutingID = ?, 
SenderRoutingIDType = ?, JdoVersion = ?, ConsumptionExchangePointOID = 
?, CurrentStateOID = ? WHERE OID = ? AND JdoVersion = ? [params=?, ?, ?,
 ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?]} [code=0, state=22001]

-- It is not clear which of the above parameters is actually too big for which field
-- Same is true for all SQL logging, e.g. when enabling "log4j.category.openjpa.jdbc.SQL=debug"


In order to enable SQL debug and see the parameters of the SQL queries follow these steps:
  1. Create a backup-copy of the [installDir]/Interchange/conf/datastoreconfig.xml
  2. Change the
    <Property key="openjpa.Log" value="slf4j"/>
    <Property key="openjpa.Log" value="log4j"/>
  3. Below the "<Property key="openjpa.Log" value="log4j"/>" line in the <Properties> section add this line:
    <Property key="openjpa.ConnectionFactoryProperties" value="PrintParameters=true,PrettyPrint=true,PrettyPrintLineLength=72"/>
  4. "PrettyPrint=true,PrettyPrintLineLength=72" are optional, see comment below
  5. Edit [installDir]/Interchange/conf/log4j.xml:
    <Logger name="openjpa.jdbc.SQL" level="WARN" />
    <Logger name="openjpa.jdbc.SQL" level="DEBUG" />
  6. Restart B2Bi
  7. Reproduce issue
  8. Check logs.

Additional info:

** The datastoreconfig <Properties> should look like this:

    <Property key="openjpa.DataCache" value="true"/>  
    <Property key="openjpa.ConnectionRetainMode" value="on-demand"/>  
    <Property key="openjpa.ConnectionDriverName" value="com.cyclonecommerce.jdbc.AxwayBoneCPDataSource"/>  
    <Property key="openjpa.Log" value="log4j"/> 
    <Property key="openjpa.ConnectionFactoryProperties" value="PrintParameters=true,PrettyPrint=true,PrettyPrintLineLength=72"/>

** "PrintParameters=true" will cause the parameter values to show up.

** "PrettyPrint=true" will show the SQL queries with '_' characters to indicate linebreaks, which can via text editor replaced by linebreaks to increase readability to the logfile itself. ** The replacement of linebreaks with '_' characters is a setting in the log4j.xml under the <Appenders> section

** Default value for "PrettyPrintLineLength" is 60 columns,

** Instead of adding the above to the datastoreconfig.xml, one can add the following to the jvmArguments.xml instead, allowing this to become effective only on the required node (cn or te):

<Property key="openjpa.ConnectionFactoryProperties">PrintParameters=true,PrettyPrint=true,PrettyPrintLineLength=72</Property>