KB Article #179207

What is the next expiry date for this Copilot UI jar signature?


What is the next expiry date for this Copilot UI jar signature?


Unfortunately, the embedded CopilotApplet.jar is not resigned so far and have the expiration date set to 2020-12-11.

It can affect users of the Copilot GUI.


  • Use the CFT UI instead
  • Allow java exception for Copilot UI, accept the fact that a warning could be issued.

It affects all CFT versions up to 3.6 SP1

It will affect users of the Copilot GUI.


  • Use the CFT UI instead
  • Allow java exception for Copilot UI, accept the fact that a warning could be issued

It should not prevent the usage of Copilot until the certificate time stamp is expired (2024-09-17):

  • The signer certificate will expire on 2020-12-11.
  • The timestamp will expire on 2024-09-17.
  • Upgrade to 3.6 SP2 or 3.7 delivered with the new Copilot jar files
  • If you are still using version 3.3.2, the re-signed jar files are attached to this article and can be used as one to one files replacement. (download file applets_3.3.2.8.zip)


All our installation jar files are signed by certificates provided by the PSG team (security).
So , there is no longer an expiration issue for the package.

Checking Transfer CFT 3.3.2 SP7 package using the jar signer tool (jarsigner -verify), it returns the signer certificates expire (as early as 2036-06-26)

The embedded CopilotApplet.jar is not signed the same way and have the expiration date set to 2020-12-11 but the timestamp will expire only on 2024-09-17.

Here below you will find Oracle links that explain why the jar files will not be seen as expired since we have set a timestamp. It will not suffer of a Code Signing Certificate Expired Issues

Document from Oracle, explaining the time-stamping of jar: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/technotes/gu...

Example: https://comodosslstore.com/resources/how-to-avoid-code-signing-certificate-expired-issues/
