KB Article #179531

How to startup Interchange only in B2Bi and avoid TE node System Throttle


Not all customers use/ are licensed for Integrator features/ connectors.

In such cases, starting up Integrator seems unnecessary.

This lists the steps to avoid TE node system throttle when starting up Interchange only within B2Bi.


- Startup Interchange.

- Go to the admin UI and login.

- Then go to the following URL (replacing <host> with your B2Bi hostname) to access B2Bi/ Interchange System Properties: http://<host>:6080/ui/core/SystemProperties

- Scroll down, click on "Show default system properties" and search for "b2bi.integrator.systemThrottle.maxUnavailability".

- Click on "Add property", scroll up, change the default value of 60 to 1577847600 (value of 50 years measured in seconds), click on "Add" and save changes.

- Stop Interchange and restart it.

Now, you will notice that the Interchange TE node will not be going into system throttle after 60seconds since we changed that value.

This way you can avoid starting up Integrator unless you use it for message processing.