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KB Article #179923

Redaction working but incomplete, as some redactors or regex matches are skipped


  • Assumes that redaction is configured correctly, and some values of some payloads are redacted. As viewed in 8090 UI Traffic Monitor. Otherwise, see KBs like 177760 and KB 178714.
  • However, only one redactor is being applied when a given mime type is defined in more than one Redactor section (RedactMime mimeType).
  • Only HTTPRedactor and one other redactor (JSONRedactor, XMLRedactor, RawRedactor) can be applied to any given message, even though the same mime time is configured in multiple redactors.
  • Update, next point may no longer apply in later 7.7 releases:
  • ---Only one regex match and redaction is being performed, even though a given message should match several RawRedactor Regex expressions.


The Admin guide says (or used to say) the following about redaction, but it overstate or implies something that is not exactly the case. "... Each redactor removes any sensitive data that it finds and passes the data for the next redactor for processing."

Redaction's actual behaviors and limitations as related to this KB are:

  • Multiple redactions within a redactor group are applied (except regex, see below).
    • Ex:, multiple matching HTTPParam, JSONPath, and XMLRedactedElement within a redactor group are all applied to a message.
  • Only HTTPRedactor plus one Redactor group is applied per message mime type. If you have the same mime type defined in more than one redactor group, the behavior is 'undefined'. i.e. Only one will fire, and not necessary based on the order the redactors are listed in redaction.xml.
  • Update, next point may no longer apply in later 7.7 releases:
  • ---Only one matching regex in the RawRedactor section will by applied per message. Behavior when multiple regex patterns match is 'undefined'. i.e. one will apply, but not necessarily based on order defined in redaction.xml.


  • Make sure the same mime type is not used in more than one redactor.
  • If more than one regex match is need for the RawRedactor, test that they are being applied as you expect them to. [On older versions, suggestion was: create a single complex regex expression within a single Regex element.]