KB Article #179947

CFT crash after several CFTT75E connect reject - SYSTEM COMPLETION CODE=047



Messages before the crash:

SEM2458E - SEMAS2RX Error detected initializing IKJTSOEV RC= 00000024, R1= 0000012C, R2= 00000254
SEM2465E - SEMAS2RX ChangeMon function bypassed. See previous messages
SEM2476E - SEMLCMIC ChangeMon backup functionality for IEBCOPY failed. SEMCCMRS RC = 00000008
SEM2477I - SEMLCMIC ChangeMon encountered problems. See messages above and or SYSTSPRT for details

Many CFTT75E connect reject


The issue is related to the use of a modified version of the IBM IEBCOPY program:

Check how are allocated the CFT LOADLIB (STEPLIB, LINKLIB ?) ensure the original unmodified IEBCOPY program is the one used by CFT (you can copy the IBM version of that program in the CFT LOADLIB if needed)

The root cause can be related to a change in the load module library order that makes CFT using the wrong IEBCOPY program.