KB Article #180433

Passport certificate expiration on Interchange standalone


For future releases the certificate "passportca.pem" from /Interchange/conf/certs should be changed with the new one, attached passportca.pem is from Passport 4.6.0 SP20. In present, it is committed in Interchange repository, a new commit should be done with the latest certificate. In Interchange code, this certificate is identified by file name and location, so both should be kept.


For existing installations and older releases follow the next steps to replace the PassPort certificate in Interchange with the product stopped:

  1. Export from PassPort the certificate with serial number 309D8FB29FB9D6E6, Container CA, Parent SSL as *.crt file.
  2. Rename the exported certificate as “passportca.pem”.
  3. Replace (a backup can be kept) the existent certificate “passportca.pem” from /Interchange/conf/certs
  4. Delete all file with this pattern “AMApi-<hostName>.jks” from/Interchange/conf. It will be recreated after the first log in to UI.
  5. Repeat steps above for all cluster nodes.