KB Article #180761

The character pound '£' is lost when using SOAP requests


The pound sign '£' is not retrieved from the API

Create a CFTRECV with SOAP (CFTOBJECTS_SET), ensure one field is set with a Pound sign (COMMENT=AABB£CCDD) then extract with CFTUTIL (CFTEXT) the Pound sign is replace with a dot?


Create a CFTRECV with CFTUTIL, then extract with a SOAP request (CFTOBJECTS_GET), the Pound sign is replaced by a hash '#' sign ?



When using the APIs, due to the different code pages that can be involved in between systems but also files, to ensure special chars are kept all long with the same graphical representation, we need to work using UTF-8 encoding (setting both copilot.misc.xts_encoding and copilot.misc.local_encoding to UTF-8)

It means that any input file for CFT API or CFTUTIL should also be encoded as UTF-8