KB Article #181179

CFT Copilot abend U2881 when running under z/OS 2.4 - module IXM4C57 was not found.


After upgrading to z/OS 2.4, copilot STC fails in Abend

CEE3501S The module IXM4C57 was not found.
From entry point __dllstaticinit at compile unit offset +00000942 at entry offset +00000942 at address 2AD13CD2.


This is due to the new version of the XML Toolkit libraries (V 1.11) delivered with z/OS 2.4.

The version of the XML Toolkit used by Copilot to handle Web-services calls (up to CFT versions less than 3.6) is version 1.10 and it is clearly indicated in the documentation.

The module for version 1.10 is named IXM4C57 while for version 1.11 of the XML Toolkit it is IXM4C58.

Possible workarounds:

1) keep online or re-install the libraries for version 1.10 of the XML Toolkit (add this library to the copilot steplib)

2) Upgrade your Transfer CFT product to version 3.6 or higher, starting from this version, we are no longer using those libraries for the Web-services calls