KB Article #181841

CFTU26E CFTFILE _ Error ( Catalog file creation error cs=xxxxxxxx)


need to define a catalog of 400,000 records

Creation fails with error: CFTU26E CFTFILE _ Error ( Catalog file creation error cs=00F60000)

EATTR parameter was used (as per the documentation) but the issue remains the same:



To create large files, so large CFT catalog using the Extented ATTRibutes, the SMS rules/DataClass must allow DataSet Type:EXTENDED and be set with the Extended addressability, otherwise, you will not be up to create a file larger than 4GB

The EXTENDED ADDRESSABILITY field shows whether or not extended addressability is provided.

Extended addressability provides data sets with addressability of more than 4 gigabytes.

Possible values: YES Provides extended addressability. / NO Does not provide extended addressability.

Note: to troubleshot issues when using the CFTUTIL CFTFILE command to create a CFT's file, you can set the SGTRACE 207 when calling CFTUTIL program, the output will be the IDCAMS parameters used for the file allocation. It can be helpful to investigate the issue out of CFT programs.

Note2: if the creation with CFTFILE still fails, check for error FATAL error(-21) in catalog : Insert error

And message:

IEC070I 034(004)-220

Error description
IEC070I 034(004)-220 and ABEND0A00 when VSAM EXTEND issues
Parial Release. The DAPCCHH in theIGGDAPRL from VSAM EOV does
not point to the last Extent just obtained by DADSM Extend.

This is an issue with the extent that are not available on one or more volume, check with the discs or SMS team

To trace the file allocation done by the CFTFILE command, see that KB Article