KB Article #182547

SSL ERROR, cipher issue during connection from B2BI 2.6 to SAP server


After upgrade from 2.3.1 to 2.6UP2022-10 P1, connectivity with SAP systems through Partner delivery using webservice over HTTPS and is getting following error :

Error connecting to HTTP server sap.live.production.local/, timeout=30s (30,000ms); com.cyclonecommerce.tradingengine.transport.UnableToConnectException: Error connecting securely to sap.live.production.local; java.security.GeneralSecurityException: Unable to create a valid SSL session


As it failed since the upgrade, solution is to extend the list of ciphers :

1) https://<localhost or machinename>:<port>/ui/core/SystemProperties#

2) clic on "Show default system properties" at the end of the page

3) "Add property" on "ssl.unsecured.ciphers"

4) Set it to "true" -> Save -> restart B2Bi

It will now accept old unsecured ciphers.

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