KB Article #182809

APPLIANCE: Missing custom TM rules after server configuration import


When importing server configuration export from AP (Appliance Platform) 5.5 to AP 7.2 custom TM rules are not imported.


Perform the following steps below to extract the missing TM rules from the server configuration export to the new platform using unzip:

Determine the number of files in the target folder (the new platform) by executing the following command:

ls -la $FILEDRIVEHOME/brules/local/wptdocuments/ | wc -l

Determine the number of files within the server configuration export by executing the following command (modify to match the system_export file name):

unzip -l <DATE>-<TIME>_<HOSTNAME>_system-export.zip | grep wptdocuments | wc -l

If the count in the export file exceeds that of the target folder, execute the following command (modify to match the system_export file name):

unzip -o <DATE>-<TIME>_<HOSTNAME>_system-export.zip "brules/local/wptdocuments/*" -d "$FILEDRIVEHOME"

To confirm the number matches, list the number of files in the target folder by executing the following command again:

ls -la $FILEDRIVEHOME /brules/local/wptdocuments/ | wc -l