KB Article #183160

How to renew Axway default PassPort tomcat certificate in Integrator?


Default PassPort tomcat certificate will expire on 14th March 2024: https://support.axway.com/kb/183062/language/en

If Integrator product is using PassPort AM as user management solution and the default certificates delivered by Axway are used, the following Integrator components could be affected:

  • tsclient login
  • IntegrationServices login (deploy)
  • Datamapper deploy + simulation from MappingServices


Both Integrator and PassPort tomcat certificates must be updated and synchronised.

  1. Renew the PassPort certificates as described in this article: https://support.axway.com/kb/183062/language/en
  2. Stop Integrator
  3. Backup the file <Integrator_installation_dir>/Integrator/extras/PassPort/keystore.jks (move the file in another place on the system outside Integrator installation directory)
  4. Rename tomcat.jks from the attached archive into keystore.jks
  5. Replace <Integrator_installation_dir>/Integrator/extras/PassPort/keystore.jks with the new keystore.jks obtained at step 4
  6. Start Integrator
  7. Login in tsclient to check if the connection is successfully

Please test these steps in la test or dev environment before applying them into Production.