KB Article #186362

Unexpected link to an object of connection


From 4.1.0 to 4.1.3 Px, an object of connection is linked automatically by default to a Smart Extension even if the Smart Extension does not need this link. As a consequence, concerned jobs could be see as corrupted and we cannot delete this object of connection.

This corruption does not prevent the job to work but Export/Import feature could be affected: impossible to use or import of the corruption on target Modeling Server.


3 solutions are existing:

  1. Either, apply the Update 4 or older >> the most recommended one
  2. Either, delete concerned jobs , use import/export feature and create again concerned jobs. We assume this workaround is very limited and acceptable when having few jobs that are concerned
  3. Either, apply following process to cleanup job definition at database level
    1. Launch the follow request to detect if you are concerned
      • <span class="code-keyword">SELECT</span> id_key,v_jname <span class="code-keyword">FROM</span> to_obj_job <span class="code-keyword">WHERE</span> id_cnxobj <span class="code-keyword">IN</span> (<span class="code-keyword">select</span> id_key <span class="code-keyword">from</span> to_var <span class="code-keyword">where</span> n_vtype=<span class="code-quote">'0'</span>) 
    2. If some data are returned, you are concerned, so apply the second request to fix it (after backup of the Database of course)
      • <span class="code-keyword">UPDATE</span> to_obj_job <span class="code-keyword">SET</span> id_cnxobj = <span class="code-keyword">NULL</span> <span class="code-keyword">WHERE</span> id_cnxobj <span class="code-keyword">IN</span> (<span class="code-keyword">SELECT</span> id_key <span class="code-keyword">FROM</span> to_var <span class="code-keyword">WHERE</span> n_vtype=<span class="code-quote">'0'</span>)

For further details, please, contact Axway Support.