KB Article #57059

The issue with have is sending a file to our Partner in Monaco - this is a new partner so we have never sent files to them before. 302 connect reject


System error code 302 2f0 .
The reason for getting the error code 302  is "network connection is broken" & 2f0 is "Socket closed by remote end"


This was solved by increasing the value of the CFTTCP parms CNX*

Checking your config  the setting are below.
CFTTCP       ID       = 'MONACOCF',
             RETRYW   = '7',
             RETRYM   = '12',
             RETRYN   = '6',
             IMAXTIME = '23595999',
             IMINTIME = '00000000',
             OMAXTIME = '23595999',
             OMINTIME = '00000000',
             CNXOUT   = '3',
             CNXIN    = '3',
             CNXINOUT = '3',
/*           CLASS    = '',*/
             HOST     = ( ''),
/*           VERIFY   = '',*/
             MODE     = 'REPLACE'

Please change the cnxin, cnxout, cnxinout to the default values ( cnxin=32, cnxout=32 & cnxinout=64 ) and perform transfers.