KB Article #63450

Multiple file error on HP-UX when reserved shell chars are used


When sending multiple files using the command line CFTUTIL you get the following error:

$ cftutil send part=WINTEST,idf=SWIFT, FNAME=*@*/T24MIG/T24DEV/bnk/bnk.data/ ALLIANCE/F.ALLIANCE.INPUT/
sh: /T24MIG/T24DEV/bnk/bnk.data/ALLIANCE/F.ALLIANCE.INPUT/: Execute permission .

This is due to the ''@'' sign being a Reserved character in some shell''s.


To send mutilple files from a shell which has the ''@'' sign as a reserved character you will need to enter a backslash ''\'' before the ''@'' sign.  Any character preceeded by a ''\'' loses its special meaning.

$ cftutil send part=WINTEST, idf=SWIFT, FNAME=\@/T24MIG/T24DEV/bnk/bnk.data/ALLIANCE/F.ALLIANCE.INPUT/