KB Article #71320

API usage


-- Have a list and see user guide of all Automator APIs


* To have a list of possible APIs: type name of the main API binary: opscmd (production), opsadm (administration), reprise (migration), dbtools/dbapm (database)

Example with "opscmd" tool:

# opscmd

Synchrony Automator - opscmd (V 3.40-SP3-P000)

Purpose: Generic API
       Usage:  opscmd api option_list
       api value are :
       rulechk: Check a scheduling rule
       export: Export a graph
       import: Import a graph

* To have user guide for concerned API, type full API name.

Example with "export" API

# opscmd export
Missing option 'graph'

Synchrony Automator - opscmd export (V 3.40-SP3-P000)

Usage:  opscmd export option_list
       options are :
       graph:  Name of the graph to export (Use 'ALL' to export all graph) (mandatory)
       quest:  Exporting questionnary ? (1:yes/0:no - yes is default)
       dir:    Directory to store export data (default is export in OP Schedule dir)
       glob:   Exporting all global ressources ? (0:no/1:yes - no is default)
       arch:   Export archives: all, none or archive_name1|archive_name2... (default none)
       mserver:        Target modeling server
       port:   TCP port of the server